Saturday, October 15, 2005

Well, I am alive

So, what has it been, three months? Not much has happened, really. I took my LSATs (I get my grades back at the end of the month, until then, I'm not talking about them). I also started my last year at SBC. Well, that is if I get my ass in gear and write my damn papers. I have a crazy case of lazy ass disease. Hopefully it is not contagious.

I also got to see Better Than Ezra! I finally met them, well 2/3s of them. Travis and Tom. So nice, even though I only said like two words. I would show a picture, however my dear friend Trigger could not figure out how to push the button (channeling Dane Cook right now! If you have no idea what I am talking about, I will make you a copy of his new album). But I did get to "try" to take a picture with them twice, where I will tell myself that they touched my butt. However, this may not be the complete truth...but it's my world!

I also started my new radio show with Tess. We are the best, everyone thinks so--well, really just us. We play all the new stuff, and we have an almost consistant fan base. We are just going up from here man! So if you are in the Lynchburg area, tune in on Mondays to 89.9 FM

I'm going to try to update more, but I am too lazy and too opposed to blogs sometimes. Although, I will leave you with my favorite part--Favorites of the weeks...and this week has a least favorite of the week too. Politics are a bitch.

Movie of the week: Old School. I have been wanting to watch this forever, and I can't find my copy. If you are a attractive young gentleman (sexy-nerdy type a plus) with a copy, email me. We'll set up a time.

Song of the week: Dance, Dance by Fall out Boy. Cliche, but I am addicted to the song. Okay, I also love Hey Now Now by the Cloudroom. Two this week. Bonus!

Hate of the week: SGA...oh, did I just say that? Yeah I did bitches! However, I should thank them at the same time, since the budget(or lack of allocation) cleared my schedule for next semester. So, thanks SGA. Y'all are the BEST!

Gotta testify, come up in this spot, looking extra fly. For the day I die, I'm touch the sky..." My man Kanye West



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2:51 AM  

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