Friday, September 28, 2007


I just finished watching the season premiere of The Office, and it was everything I hoped it would be. The writers were definitely on their game, stretching their imaginations in ways to simultaneously make me laugh, make me awe, and then make me vomit my Alfredo sauce. Thanks for that one Greg Daniels!!

Fun Run opens with a tour of Michael Scott's condo and the big reveal that Jan is still shacking up with her Scranton honey. It was fantastic to see Jan Levinson sprawled out across Michael's bed, completely unaware of the camera's intrusion into the house. Also fantastic, Michael hitting Meredith with his car and then coming into the office late only to tell everyone that the doctors did everything they could to save her...and that she is going to be fine. OHMYGOD, Stanley's response "what's wrong with you?" was the greatest thing I have EVER heard on The Office. Yes, better than Jim confessing his love to Pam in Casino Night. Now, I could spend the entire day talking about JAM, or PB&J, but I'm not going to. Okay, just this--how great was it to see them outed by the frustrated camera crew? So great...

Let's move on to my other favorite couple (however unstable) Dwight and Angela. They have some of the funniest chemistry on TV, but they are still so sweet and believable. I especially loved Dwight's quick acceptance to feed Angela's cat, even though two seconds later you could sense that Sprinkles wasn't going to last long after Dwight's visit. I loved so much in this episode, which I guess you could say is because it has been an excruciatingly long summer of waiting. I do have to agree, however, with some critics who are saying that the episode felt a little long in spots. I have not been a fan of the three one hour long "episodes," because often they sound impressive, but then they seem to drag on. Yes, Fun Run was really just two episodes in one, but I much preferred the second part with the actual RUN, than the mowing down of Meredith. We have three more Thursdays with hour-longs, and they will be phenomenal just because it is The Office. Fun Run provided me with an hour of excellent entertainment, and left my appetite watered for next week's episode Dunder Miflin Infinity.

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