Saturday, May 28, 2005

Star Wars, Tea, and Eddie Izzard

As we speak, I am in the middle of an all night movie/TV marathon. So far we have watched Eddie Izzard's Circle, Good Eats on the Food Channel, and are working on the first two Star Wars. I love the part in Empire where Luke shoves himself in the camel thing--Brilliantly disgusting!!! But, I hate Lucus because he feels the need to add all this SHIT into the original films--they were great without the out-of-place special effects.

Anyway, gotta get back t o Empire. Checkin' out!


Movie of the Day: ...Uh, I think it is Empire Strikes Back

Song of the Day: I Seen All Good People- Yes

Friday, May 27, 2005

Waiting, always waiting

Good morning all. It is way too early for me, but as a daughter of Suburbia I have certain responsibilities I must perform. This morning's is waiting around for our cleaning people to come. Lex and I are locked in the kitchen drinking coffee and eating dog food. (Me the coffee, Lex is enjoying the tasty dog food)

Anywho, last night, before the circuits in my room started shorting, I began watching I Heart Huckabees. Very funny movie so far, but it could just be the philosopher in me. I will definitely need to buy this movie in the near future. Jason Schwartzman is on his game in this movie making random comments, while his subtle style steals scenes from anyone else on screen. I know I know, I'm late to watch this, but without a car at school it was impossible for me to see until it came to DVD.

Tonight Madacascar starts!!!!!!!!!! As you can possibly tell by the numerous exclamation points, I am a wee bit excited--"The Penguins are psychotic!" Hopefully Daniel and I can make a trip to the theatre to see it tonight. He also wants to see Layer Cake, which I really wanted to see, but now not so much. Eh, I'll probably just rent it. There are tons of movies coming out in the next few weeks. I will fill you all in with my opinions--wanted or not--as I see them!

Movie of the day: I Heart Huckabees--didn't see that one coming did ya?????

Song of the day: When You Heard You by the French Kicks. Well, this song is actually yesterday's song, but it will work for today too.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hello Ground!

Hello world! Okay, so I hate blogging, but as my lovely mother says, it is an important tool of the new world. Anyway, I hope that this switch to Blogger will be my last hop, since I have gone to more than three providers in the last year for this damn blog. Most blogs I read use this format, so there ya go.

Anyway, say hello to the new! I will update you all in the next few days. Since I am home for the next three weeks, hopefully I will have lots of stories and other ramblings to post here. I just bought my tickets for Better Than Ezra on the 3rd at Gypsy Tea Room!!! I'm soooooo excited. I'm also on assignment to see how their live show goes over--To see if we want to book them next semester or not. I'm voting for yes, if you couldn't tell. =)

Well, I have to get going, I appologize for the blah blah blahing. I'm going to get a digital camera in the next few weeks, so maybe a picture or two will make its way here. Later days!


Movie of the day: Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy

Song: Sugar, We're Going Down by Fall Out Boy---I don't like the song, it's just stuck in my cranium.