Sunday, June 05, 2005

New Orleans Rockstar...

Ahhh, Deadwood. The quotes from that show keep me entertained. Anyway, I was suppossed to post two days ago after my concert, but life got in the way. Friday night Daniel and I went to see one of our favorite bands Better Than Ezra. Now, either you will know this band or not, but I love them--5 times I've seen them now. Jen and I saw them back in the day (Winter of 2002) and I've been in love with them ever since. The show was great, and we were close enough to notice Kevin's crazy faces.

I bought their new CD on Tuesday, and I spent the rest of the week listening to it in anticipation for the show. I wanted to know the words, because going to a concert and not knowing the words just sucks.

Well, before BTE played, we had to stand through Adam Richman. Now this kid confused me. He came out with a freakin' mohawk--which I thought was cool. Right away I imagined he would be this hard rocking guy, totally not the case. He comes out with this mohawk, full on faux-punk style, and plays WHAT??? Singer-Songwriter shit. I spent his whole show completely confused. Thanks Adam Richman, I will not buy your album anytime soon.

BTE rocked the place, although they didn't play long enough I believe. When Jen and I saw them they played a two hour set, I want to go back to those days. Oh, well. I got their live album
You all should check it out over at Amazon. Go through Fresh Fiction though, so Mom gets a cut of the profits--gotta pay for my education some how and, I ain't prostituting.

Anywho, gotta run. Lex wants to play, and I have to take a shower. Later all. My apologies for lack of movie review this time, but in the next few days I will have something for everyone.


PS. Well, okay, you pulled my leg. I watched We Don't Live Here Anymore the other day. This movie was okay, but seemed a lot like any other movie dealing with adultry. It was good only for Mark Ruffalo, who I adore.

What I'm watching: Scrubs: the Complete First Season

Song of the Day: Burned, by Better Than Ezra