Monday, November 05, 2007

Movie Review- STOLEN LIFE

STOLEN LIFE tells the story of a PI named Pi, played by video game actor Chris Jones, sent to investigate a robot work force that had gone missing on an asteroid for three years. He arrives on the asteroid to find that they had not disappeared, but had been shut down. Pi spends the film investigating the crew to find out why they were shut down and who was behind the decision. Throughout the film Pi learns that his guide, Kieru (played charmingly by Claudia Black) is hiding information about the asteroid mission from him. Pi discovers that since the crew is all sentient robots, they work behind his back to keep him from knowing the true objective of the asteroid mission. STOLEN LIFE’s main objective is to explain that once a creature, be it human or robot, gains sentient feelings, he can choose the route of his life. The creature can feel, think, and ultimately express opinions. The longer they are sentient, the more time they can keep others from telling them what to do.

Although the animation is not Pixar quality, and the writing style needs tightening, STOLEN LIFE’s story did follow the established noir rules. Pi’s hardboiled detective investigated what he could of the crime, and Kieru’s femme fatale distracted and misled him as much as she could. Claudia Black’s personification of Kieru was the best part of the film. The animation did not allow for facial expression, but Claudia brought heart and soul to her character. She was able to express the worry for her crew and her fear they would be found out without the help of facial tweaks. Black gave you hope that the crew was not really evil, but honestly trying to help space travelers by offering them a port to rest and refuel.

Interested in buying STOLEN LIFE? Go to the Nanoflix website and order your very own copy!

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