Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I *heart* Jon Stewart

I have officially decided that Jon Stewart is not a good MC. Don't get me wrong, I love the man--have ever since his late night show on MTV in the early 90s. But, he just cannot handle the pressure of Emceeing an entire show. Last night, instead of staying up late to watch Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls, I decided it would be a good idea to watch my TiVoed Comedy Central's: Night of Too Many Stars. Unfortunately for Jon and Co. I passed out 10 minutes in. I'm not sure if it's Jon's fault, I think I'm personally going to blame Adam Sandler and his lameness (and my before bed cocktail). I have yet to finish it, but I am guessing it will end up being my weeklong nightime entertainment.

Back to Jon, maybe his problem is formating. For instance, he does very well when he has an audience full of people wanting to hear him make "fake" news. I use "fake," because like most people, I actually believe Jon and Stephen Colbert more readily than I would ever believe other news people. It's his self-deprecating style, I suppose. I have to watch the news every day, and some days you just want someone to cackle like Bush or fumble over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad name, instead of hearing about how we should all cower in fear or how the Republicans are working with the Oil Industry to lower the gas prices right before the election. (and don't get me started on Pediphila amongst certain groups... I'm looking at you Foley!) And, apparentally many people feel the same way.

So, Mr. Stewart, stick to what you are good at--satire. Stay away from over-exposure. I, like many others, want you to be around for a long time, but remember you are only one man. Bush has impersonators, maybe it's time for you to get one too. Hell, isn't Colbert free, he only has one show, he doesn't have as many Emmys, and he looks almost as good in a tux as you...

Okay, I totally did not mean for that to turn into a rant and open letter to Jon Stewart. Oh well.

So, speaking of politcal satire, I was one of a very small group of people who saw Man of the Year this weekend. I really enjoyed it, however Daniel and I decided that it's not a movie to see twice--at least not right away. Barry Levinson makes great movies, and this was no different. Robin Williams gave a great subtle and endearing performance, and Christopher Walken wasn't evil or crazy. But the highlight of the film was Lewis Black. Sometimes when you see comedians do stand-up you forget that they have acting potential too. Black was outstanding as the cynical producer-cum-political advisor. He had the best lines in the entire movie, and he wasn't even playing the political commentator.

Man of the Year gets 4 out of 6 Vixens for not only being funny but for also being smart. Extra points to Lewis Black for saying "that guy smiles too much, he's making me uncomfortable."

Song of the Day: "Make a Girl Cry" by Band Marino. I was supposed to see them in two months, however they have recently changed their performance date, so alas, no BM for Gwen. Ehh...enjoy them anyway (